A Proven Approach to Fabricating Strong Stubs

In the world of custom metal fabrication services, the smallest details matter.

At Gloggner Metal Fabricators, we take great pride in the excellent quality of our parts, which we achieve through careful consideration of every detail of design and fabrication. 

Take, for example, our method for fabricating stubs. These crucial parts can easily fail if designed or fabricated incorrectly. That’s why we look beyond the specifications on the print, drawing from our team’s deep experience to create strong, reinforced stubs that hold up in our customers’ demanding industrial applications.

Smart Custom Metal Fabrication Services for Stubs

A stub is a sheet metal part that serves as a transition piece between a machine and another component, such as a rubber hose. Often resembling a metal top hat, a stub combines a flange and a rolled piece of metal (i.e., a tube). Stubs are typically used in extreme environments and must endure considerable stress.

A common stub design mistake 

fabricating strong stubs

A common mistake when designing stubs is making the flange's inside diameter (ID) the exact same size as the ID for the tube to which it mates. In this case, the two mating parts will connect only at their outer edges. 

It is possible to weld the parts together at this point of contact. However, we know from experience that a better option is to design the tube to fit inside the flange, a best practice that results in greater internal strength.

Gloggner’s solution for strong stubs 

To create a stronger stub, we first roll the tube portion to the desired ID, then fabricate a flange with a slightly wider ID. By inserting the tube into the flange, we establish more points of contact to fortify the part. 

We create two welds to increase strength further: one at the point where the tube and flange meet and another on the face of the part. We then go a step beyond most shops, performing additional welding and grinding to smooth the outer connection point so that the two welded parts appear to be a single piece. 

As a result of our proven approach, the stubs we fabricate are exceptionally strong and aesthetically appealing. 

Superior Sheet Metal Fabrication Services

At Gloggner, we’re not just fabricators—we’re collaborators.

Many shops build parts to print and call it a day, never questioning if there is a better way to do something. But we don’t operate like that. If we identify an opportunity to modify your design for optimized manufacturing, we’ll let you know. 

We partner with our customers to make their parts the best they can be, and that’s just one of the reasons they keep coming back year after year. 

Request a quote for our custom metal fabrication services!